LEUSD Professional Development 2024-2025
Venue: District Office-Building D, Suite C clear filter
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Monday, July 29

4:00pm PDT

Hexagonal thinking and DBQs in Social Studies
Monday July 29, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm PDT
  1. This session aims to equip educators with a practical, innovative strategy, “hexagonal thinking” to enhance student engagement and critical thinking in social studies classrooms using the DBQ Project. Participants will learn how to implement this strategy to help students connect historical documents, synthesize key themes, and craft compelling arguments. What is Hexagonal Thinking?
Hexagonal thinking is an interactive, student-centered approach that promotes critical analysis and deep connections between concepts. By using hexagons to visualize and connect ideas, students uncover relationships between key terms, historical events, and perspectives. This strategy is particularly effective for navigating the complexity of DBQ tasks, where students analyze multiple documents to respond to a central question.
Monday July 29, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm PDT
District Office-Building D, Suite C

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