SPSA Goal Planning and Collaboration-Luiseno-7 Subs Needed 8:00am - 2:30pm
i-Ready Learning Burst- Tools for Instruction an... 2:15pm - 3:00pm
i-Ready Learning Burst- Tools for Instruction an... 3:05pm - 3:50pm
i-Ready Learning Burst-Creating and Using Report... 4:00pm - 4:45pm
IC Mater Schedule Training Part 2:Follow up - Walk-in Scheduler, New Requests and Roster Tool, and Reports 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Ad Hoc Instructional Materials Meeting (Online/Voluntary) 2:30pm - 3:30pm
IEP Data Implementation (Service Tracking) Suppo... 3:45pm - 4:30pm
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